How Business Stargies Could Affect Worker’s Mental Health

Mental Health
Worker's Mental Health

Last Updated on December 1, 2020 by Sultana Parvin

Nowadays workers are the ultimate asset for a company in a modern competitive job field. They sincerely provide their physical and mental efforts in their workplaces. Companies get their profits and workers get their monthly salary…. of course, this is realistic. But an important point to take into account is whether both groups are considering mental health aspects also in a realistic way.

In the present world, it has become a very common practice among many commercial companies that they are inventing different creative ideas to promote their business without considering the health of mentalissue of their workers. The interesting thing is, apparently their inventive business ideas seem vigilantly helpful for their workers, but the question is up to, which extent those ideas would be supportive regarding workers´ mental health development?

The attractive package for mental health

Currently, most business companies tend to make such a work contract with qualified job applicants which compel them to do ´´whatever´´ their company wants. Such a tendency could gradually affect a workers health of mental negatively. The managerial body of those companies knows that after a certain period their newly assigned workers will become less productive in their working arena. And hence they tend to offer different types of attractive package during signing their job contracts.

It sounds quite attractive, isn´t it?? Unfortunately, it is not! To site an example, there are such companies which could be termed as something like a ´´mini town´´ nowadays. The term ´´mini town´´ has been used here because they have made such facilities (e.g. staff homes, kindergarten, mini shops, mini-hospital, etc.) within their business field that workers have no choice other than getting involved with them.

Because those companies know that workers have their daily necessary tasks to do related to their families and for that reason, companies arrange such facilities for them. Seemingly it is helpful for the workers, but also a trick to keep the workers within the company yard so they could be called for work whenever it is needed. Unquestionably, a worker cannot eventually feel a real freedom in life in such kind of workplace which will gradually destroy his healthy condition of mind.

Menatal Health
Mental Health

Business tactics to increase workers’ mental health

It has been found that some companies tend to segregate their qualified workers from the rest of the team members and hence arranging a business trip creates a good plot to do that. In this way, comparatively less efficient workers are easily get identified and later they are being treated negatively by their company which leads to discrimination. Such a situation for sure makes a less efficient worker feeling humiliated where it was a responsibility for his company to train him efficiently for doing his best.

There are also other examples of business tactics like above, for instance, arranging general party among workers, celebrating workers´ birthday, financial incentive, etc by the business companies and all of them have the same motive which is only to keep a good worker within the company.

According to different countries´ labor and business law, maybe business companies could do like that, but ultimately such a trend could hamper a worker´s mental development. Because a worker will feel less interested to quit his job if his company borders him with lots of so-called official facilities. In such a case he will keep his job no matter what bad experience or attitude he meets from the company. Even he will be doing more and more tasks for the sake of his company (e.g. over timing) to maintain those company facilities. But such a tendency will negatively affect the health status of his mind.

By Anamul

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Sultana Parvin, the owner of this site ( is a passionate recipe builder with thorough knowledge of food, nutrition, and dietary needs for people of different ages and different physical conditions. She has contributed her creative recipes to different food and recipe sites, e-books, and magazines. Sultana is widely experienced on different menu and food courses. With her amazing cooking expertise and innovative ideas, she has been writing various food recipes, particularly those Bangladeshi and Indian traditional main and side dishes like: vegetarian, chicken, meat, fish, desert, rice, noodles, cakes, cookies, soup, smoothies etc. Sultana possesses in depth knowledge on foods’ nutrition value and other relevant contents, such as calorie, carbohydrate, fat, sugar, fiber, sodium, protein etc. of a wide variety of food items. In addition to the taste of food items, Sultana analyses psychology and taste of different categories and ages of people while developing her food recipes. Publications of Sultana Parvin: Sultana wrote a number of Recipe Books, among those following recipe books have been published in ** Yummy Vegetable Recipes: Delicious Indian Vegetable Dishes ** Authentic Indian Vegetable Dishes **30 Diabetic and Heart Healthy Indian Food Recipes with Nutritional Detail Sultana edited a famous recipe book, namely “Flavors of India and Africa” written by Khatun Gulamani of California, USA.