Energy Boost

Last Updated on November 15, 2022 by Sultana Parvin

There are days when we’re so full of energy and zest that we feel we can do and go above and beyond to wake up at 5 am, do some stretching, go for a run, complete all our tasks at work and still have the energy to end the day with a tennis match or a gym workout. However, there are days when you don’t feel like doing much and just want to do the bare minimum. It’s normal to feel this way. But if your goal is to keep doing your best throughout the day, there are some things that you can do to create the right conditions in your body for that shot of energy boost.

Here are six easy things that you can do for that must needed boost of energy to get the spark going:

Don’t eat foods that are energy drainers.

Some foods drain your energy fast. Foods that are high in carbohydrates and too many processed foods are energy drainers and contain too much sugar. Carbs do give you an immediate boost in energy, but as quick as it comes, as quickly it’ll go. Carbs and sugar do not give you that sustained energy and glow that will get you through the day.

What you need is protein, good fats, and fiber. These heavier logs will provide the fuel for a long, sustainable energy boost throughout the day.

Reduce the number of cups of java

Do you keep track of the number of cups of coffee you drink in a day? Drinking too much coffee during the day can wreak havoc not only on your sleep at night but also on your hormones. Doubtless, a cup or two of coffee stimulates the production of cortisol and adrenaline, two hormones that increase alertness. Trouble comes creeping in when you continue drinking more cups of coffee throughout the day to make the alertness and focus effect last and last. This results in the over-stimulation of adrenaline production, and over time, it stresses and slows the adrenaline gland, causing hormone depletion.

What should you do instead? Nobody’s saying you need to give up coffee entirely and you need to cut back. Instead of five, cut back to three cups a day. Studies have shown that coffee improves cognitive function, so one or two cups help to make your shaper.

Reduce carb-loaded snacks

A trip to the pantry vending machine to get a snack might perk you up. Well, it’ll surely give you a quick boost, but once the high runs out, you’ll get burned. Candy and carb-rich snacks deplete energy in the long term. You’ll get an immediate boost followed by a slump. Instead of high-sugar energy drinks and snack bars from the vending machine, choose to go for high-fiber and protein snacks.

A slice of turkey, a few carrot sticks, and a celery stalk give you that much-needed energy plus the sustainable boost you need to get from work to the gym and before your much-needed sleep. If you are craving something sweet, try a refreshing low-sugar sip such as seltzer water with a splash of lemon or orange slices, or try lifeaid beverage.

Another good and healthy snacking option is edamame. It’s an excellent source of protein and soy, and it’s also a plant base. If you buy them frozen, place the edamame in a microwave-safe bowl, fill it with water, and microwave for 30 seconds or until they are slightly soft. Then sprinkle a little salt for flavor, and there you have it, a tasty and high-protein snack.

You can also bring a pack of mixed nuts like raw almonds, pistachios, and walnuts. However, remember that everything needs to be in moderation, from coffee and nuts. Nuts are high in calories, so don’t just mindlessly much them.

Adding magnesium to your diet

If you are constantly nodding off at your desk, you should look into your daily eating habits. Constant sleepiness and muscle weakness could signify magnesium deficiency in your diet.

The good news is it’s an easy remedy and readily available in many foods. Magnesium plays a role in more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body and helps maintain nerve functions and muscles. Magnesium ensures a steady and healthy ticking heart, robust immune system, and optimum bone strength.

For days when you’re just not feeling the energy, head to the salad bar in your cafeteria and load up on dark-green, leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, swiss chard, broccoli, and bok choy. Fish such as halibut and a variety of whole grains and beans such as kidney beans complete your magnesium-high salad for the day.

Fix your sleep schedule

While many of the things listed above are related to food and diet, you also need to look into your daily habits to see if anything is causing you to have low energy. One of the biggest culprits is your sleeping schedule. Are you getting enough sleep? When it comes to having enough energy, sleeping patterns matter. Our bodies use less energy while sleeping. The body takes time to repair and recover from exercise, stress, work, and even digesting food. If we don’t get enough sleep, we won’t give the body a chance to recover correctly, and we’ll not have enough energy the next day.

Fixing your sleep schedule means having at least six to eight hours daily.

Put some music on

Sometimes, a quick fix is about switching on the right tunes to get you in the mood. Listening to upbeat and high-energy music can give you the energy boost you need, and it helps put your body and mind into a positive and energetic rhythm and enables you to focus. Creating a playlist for different reasons, whether it’s to focus, calm down, meditate, or have energy, can put your mind and body in sync to do what you need to do.

Plan shorter workouts

Finally, not having enough energy to work and exercise is a matter of switching up your routines. Exercising doesn’t need to be 60 minutes or more to be effective. Sometimes, doing 20 minutes of workout is enough to get your calories burning and boost your mood. Varying the length of your workouts is fruitful on days when you are tired but still want to get some sweating session out of the way for the day. HIIT workouts are great because they can improve your cardiovascular fitness, get your blood pumping and burn calories.

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Sultana Parvin, the owner of this site (sultanarecipe.com) is a passionate recipe builder with thorough knowledge of food, nutrition, and dietary needs for people of different ages and different physical conditions. She has contributed her creative recipes to different food and recipe sites, e-books, and magazines. Sultana is widely experienced on different menu and food courses. With her amazing cooking expertise and innovative ideas, she has been writing various food recipes, particularly those Bangladeshi and Indian traditional main and side dishes like: vegetarian, chicken, meat, fish, desert, rice, noodles, cakes, cookies, soup, smoothies etc. Sultana possesses in depth knowledge on foods’ nutrition value and other relevant contents, such as calorie, carbohydrate, fat, sugar, fiber, sodium, protein etc. of a wide variety of food items. In addition to the taste of food items, Sultana analyses psychology and taste of different categories and ages of people while developing her food recipes. Publications of Sultana Parvin: Sultana wrote a number of Recipe Books, among those following recipe books have been published in Amazon.com: ** Yummy Vegetable Recipes: Delicious Indian Vegetable Dishes ** Authentic Indian Vegetable Dishes **30 Diabetic and Heart Healthy Indian Food Recipes with Nutritional Detail Sultana edited a famous recipe book, namely “Flavors of India and Africa” written by Khatun Gulamani of California, USA.